"Samsung Gear Application consists of the Host-side Application which runs on Android-based Samsung mobile devices, and the Wearable-side Widget which runs on Tizen-based Samsung Gear devices. The Host-side Application can be developed in the common Android development environment, whereas, the Wearable-side Widget can be developed with Tizen SDK for Wearable."
So when we have Tizen phones, we're obviously going to want to pair Gear devices with Tizen phones as well as Galaxy Android phones.
Is there any specific roadmap for achieving that? Would it be a criteria for initial Samsung Tizen phone launches, for example?
While we're on this topic, is there a roadmap for Gear Manager being SUPPORTED on non-Galaxy Android devices? That flow is already confirmed to be largely functional, given some "fancy dancing" - http://www.tizenexperts.com/2014/04/samsung-gear-2-gear-2-neo-working-on-non-samsung-devices/.
Bob Summerwill, Kitsilano Software Inc