
Check if Tizen Mobile is rooted or not

Hi All,

How to check if Tizen device is rooted or not using Tizen APIs?

Thank You.


3 Replies
Alex Dem

It is not quite clear for me, do you mean how to:
1) Switch between the root and developer account mode using sdb root <on|off> (to observe file system in  IDE connection explorer, for example)?
2) Obtain partner or platform privilege level to use specific api?

Dharmesh Guna

Hi Alex,

I am writing an App which checks if the device is rooted or not.

So I want to go with option-2. I just need to check if partner/platform privilege is ON or OFF. Based on that I can decide if device is rooted or not.

Thank you

Marco Buettner

Partner/Platform privilegs are not decided by the device, its only depends of the developer signature. If the app developer trusted and has a special certificate to use partner privilegs he can used in his app.