I use this example to pick contact as vcard from phone book:
but it returns list = null.
if (appControlResult == APP_CTRL_RESULT_SUCCEEDED) { AppLog("Success"); pPickResultList = const_cast< IList* >(dynamic_cast< const IList* > (pResultList->GetValue(String(L"http://tizen.org/appcontrol/data/path")))); if (pPickResultList != null) { AppLog("The result type is path to vcard"); String * path = (String*)pPickResultList->GetAt(0); AppLog("Path: %S", path->GetPointer()); return; } }
pPickResultList always is null - none String with path returned.
I call phone book with code:
HashMap extraData; extraData.Construct(); String selModeKey = L"http://tizen.org/appcontrol/data/selection_mode"; String selModeVal = L"single"; String itemTypeKey = L"http://tizen.org/appcontrol/data/social/item_type"; String itemTypeVal = L"person"; String resultTypeKey = L"http://tizen.org/appcontrol/data/social/result_type"; String resultTypeVal = L"vcard"; extraData.Add(&selModeKey, &selModeVal); extraData.Add(&itemTypeKey, &itemTypeVal); extraData.Add(&resultTypeKey, &resultTypeVal); AppControl* pAc = AppManager::FindAppControlN(L"tizen.contacts", L"http://tizen.org/appcontrol/operation/social/pick");
Did somebody manage to get path to vcard by PICK action?