
Call Recording App Problem

Hi, I have been trying to develop a Call Recorder app. What I have been trying to do is - 

1. Launch a service that is listening to call state changes.

2. Whenever the call state changes to TELEPHONY_CALL_STATE_CONNECTING, I create and prepare a recorder and then start recording.

3. When the call state changes to TELEPHONY_CALL_STATE_IDLE, I commit the recording to save it on disk.


But the problem I am facing is whenever the call state changes to TELEPHONY_CALL_STATE_CONNECTED, the recorder status changes from RECORDING to READY and then to CREATED automatically, when it was supposed to be in the RECORDING state.


The recorder state change callback function reports that these unexpected state changes were caused by Tizen policy. Is there any way to allow the recorder to continue recording while the call state is CONNECTED?


3 Replies
colin Rao

seems you wanna to developing a hacker app. :)

Possible Samsung consider such action as a privacy policy issue.

Alex Dem

I think the same. Probably because of security

HM Mehrab

If Android allows this, why won't Tizen? There are many call recording apps available in the Google Play Store. Call recording is not illegal everywhere. It's up to the user to make sure he is using this feature ethically. Hopefully, they will allow this in future.