
Gear Fit 2 SDK?


I see that there's a new version of the watch face designer for the Gear Fit 2. What about public SDK? Will there be one anytime soon? I see that there's a Spotify app, so I hope the SDK won't be private.


10 Replies
John Ixion

GF2 should be integrated in the next version of the SDK

Le Hoang

Is this official or just your thoughts?

Marco Buettner

I think the Gear Fit2 will not supported by any SDK like the presuccesor

Le Hoang

There's one third-party app in the fit store. There's also a spotify remote that talks to the phone, so I think there is a SDK for Fit2. The question is will they ever release it to public

Marco Buettner

The Gear Fit has also third-party apps without any public SDK.

John Ixion

GF1 was not a Tizen device;

GF2 will be supported by the SDK imo

Jiri Richter


are there any news on this? I see some update of the wearable SDK, but no sign of Gear Fit 2 compatibility. Does anyone have a Gear Fit 2 and can confirm that they can create an app for it?

Slawek Kowalski

Still missing SDK for Fit 2 but you can use last SDK for Werables - the same for Gear S2.

Developing apps and depoying on the Fit 2 works like for Gear S2. Works very good for my device.


But I heard there is not possible to sold apps by Samsung Office.  I am not sure is that true, I am

going to send my app for Fit 2 soon.  I worry It will be not possible.


John Ixion

The latest version of the SDK was released on May 19, so I would wait for the next version for GF2

John Ixion
Tizen 2.4 Rev7 SDK:

no release notes atm